A Network of Water Funding Officials

Connect with Water Funding Officials



The Small Community Water Infrastructure Exchange (SCWIE) is a network of water funding officials from public, non-profit environmental and private funding and technical assistance agencies and organizations that have come together to be part of SCWIE. Its mission is to foster an exchange of information at federal, state and local levels to assist public water funding officials in enhancing the water and wastewater infrastructure in rural small communities throughout America. Through this network, federal, state and private sector water funding leaders are better prepared to meet the financial and technical water and wastewater infrastructure needs in small communities.

Participants of the SCWIE come from public agencies that administer the:

Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) Program
Drinking Water SRF Program
US EPA Programs
US Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development (RD) Programs
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program

Other public programs and from Non Governmental Agencies that include:

Rural Community Assistance Partnership
Rural Water Association
Other Non-Governmental and Private Sector Organizations

Posted on here are the names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for all the key small community contacts in each state. If there is a small community coordinating group (Statewide Support Group) in a state, the contact person is listed as well a link to the group’s website (if there is one).

Please use this information to communicate directly with your peers about what you are doing in your state to assist small and/or rural communities with their environmental infrastructure needs. Please feel free to ask them about what they are doing.

* A Statewide Support Group is defined as a group of representatives from funding agencies and technical assistance providers that coordinates and/or collaborates at least annually on the financing programs they provide to water and wastewater systems within a given state.