A Network of Water Funding Officials


To facilitate communication among the funders and technical assistance providers as well as the communities that Missouri's Department of Natural Resources (MODNR) serves, several tools were developed. MODNR’s goal is to help communities and assistance providers understand when regionalization or consolidation may be a more affordable option than continuing to operate their system(s) individually.

MODNR needed to make known that a connection to nearby facilities is required to be considered in all engineering reports that MODNR funds.

The tools shown below have been shared with their USDA/RD and CDBG partners in Missouri so that they have a common understanding as they all work with communities to develop projects. The future will tell the success of this effort.

Connections for wastewater projects are being promoted with a new grant program, the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Regionalization Incentive Grant (RIG), recently launched with a project solicitation in October 2019.

These tools may be helpful for all assistance providers:
Wastewater regionalization and consolidation fact sheet
Drinking water regionalization, consolidation and unification fact sheet
This online map can be used to determine how close other facilities are that may be interested in partnering.

For more information, please contact
Hannah Humphrey